On Fiverr, a source file refers to the original design or project file that a seller uses to create their final deliverable.
For example, if you hire a graphic designer on Fiverr to create a logo for your business, the source file would be the original design file that the designer used to create the logo.
When you order a gig on Fiverr that includes source files, the seller will provide you with the original design files used to create your final deliverable.
This can be useful if you need to make changes to the design in the future or if you want to use the design for other purposes.
Here are some common questions and answers about source files on Fiverr:
Why are source files important?
Source files are important because they allow you to make changes to the design in the future. For example, if you hire a graphic designer to create a logo for your business and you want to change the color of the logo a year later, you can use the source file to make the changes instead of having to pay for a new design.
How do I know if a gig includes source files?
When you order a gig on Fiverr, you can check the gig description to see if source files are included. Some sellers may charge an additional fee for source files, while others may include them as part of the gig price.
What types of files are considered source files?
The types of files that are considered source files depend on the type of gig you order. For example, if you order a logo design gig, the source file may be a vector file in AI or EPS format. If you order a video editing gig, the source file may be a project file in Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro.
How are source files delivered?
Source files are typically delivered electronically through the Fiverr platform. The seller may provide a link to download the files or upload them directly to the Fiverr platform. Some sellers may also provide the files through a third-party file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive.
What can I do with source files?
Once you have the source files, you can use them to make changes to the design or project in the future. You can also use the files to create additional designs or projects based on the original design.
However, it’s important to note that the seller retains the copyright to the design, so you cannot resell or redistribute the design without their permission.
In conclusion, source files on Fiverr are the original design or project files used to create a seller’s final deliverable.
They are important because they allow you to make changes to the design in the future and can save you money on future design work.
When ordering a gig on Fiverr, it’s important to check if source files are included in the gig description and to understand the types of files that are considered source files for the type of gig you are ordering.
understanding the importance of source files and how they are delivered, you can make informed decisions when ordering gigs on Fiverr.
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